Thursday, January 24, 2008

What is fashion to me? [Coco]

Fashion, is current trends, but with your own personal twist.
There is one fashion rule, that I always have and always will stick to,
“Less is more”.

1. In a way, yes, fashion is about being uniquely you.
But when in doubt,
A simple approach is always a better one.
I’m not asking for u to blend in.
Have a focal point on your outfit,
But always make sure you have only one focal point.
No one ever said the circus was fashionable.
But if they do, please take my advice and avoid them.

2. Do not be a slave to fashion.
Trends are like guidelines.
Do not obsess over them.
When something is considered the must have item,
It doesn’t necessarily mean you must dress yourself head to toe in it.
Stay on point.
One trendy item per outfit is fine.
Just because a certain colour is the ‘it’ colour that season, would you drench yourself in that colour alone?
It’s called overkill.

3. Be comfortable in what you're in.
At the end of the day, you want to still look like yourself.
Only better.
No point trying to dress like someone else.
A certain style does not suit everyone.
Find one that suits you, and personalize it.

But most importantly, be honest with your opinions of what your friends wear,
If they ask for your opinion that is.
You wouldn’t want dishonesty from your friends too.

Less is more,

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