Wednesday, February 20, 2008

To splurge or to save?

Honestly this week it was hard for me to come up with a topic.
And very sadly, I had no time to shop.
(I will try very hard to make sure I never, not have the time to shop again)
Shopping makes me very happy.

So finally I’ve come up with this.
I was going through gossip columns (tabloids) online, (Nice to know what’s happening in the world ;) ) and I came across Lauren Conrad’s new clothing line.

You can see them for yourself on her official site.

First Impression?
They’re pretty.

Second look?
Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing I haven’t seen before.

Third time’s a charm?
Ohmygod it’s way too overpriced.
Exp: the third model from the left, wearing the white dress.
White dress = $ 145.
Convert it and do the math. It just doesn’t make sense.
We don’t all have money trees now do we?
I sure as heck don’t. Though I would seriously like one.

Which then got me thinking about what I was going to blog about,
And then it hit me.

To splurge or to save?
Three things I think make no sense to buy when you are a college student and your ATM does not smile back at you.

1. Designer bags may be gorgeous and iconic but when you aren’t earning more than 5k a month, it just doesn’t make sense. So study hard, dream big, and one day when you can afford it, splurge by all means. Having it in college is not a plus point anyway, because
a) not all people are nice, and there might be people who will then label you as a rich b***h.
b) most people will assume it’s fake, and that u buy fake goods.
c) It could get stolen.
(my big dream? A Chanel bag before I’m 25)

2. See through lingerie. While on our search for the perfect ‘after party’ outfit for valentine’s to put on our blog, we came across various bra’s that were see through. Now bra’s are expensive as it is, and I do not see the point in paying double the price for something that is not even going to cover anything. Can u really wear that transparent bra underneath your clothing?
( a boyfriend should like you for nothing more than your personality anyway)
a) imagine you're wearing white
b) imagine it rains
c) they are not at all padded, and merely just thin fabric (often lace) so u can imagine that people will notice you when you are perky.

3. Jimmy Choo’s. I know Jimmy Choo was either born in Malaysia or has a Malaysian mother or something or another, and we are always told to support Malaysian talent. As breath taking as they are, Jimmy Choo’s should be just drooled upon for now. I do a fair share of drooling myself. But if you wanna get technical, all designer shoes should be avoided. Here are some scenario’s,
a) it just rained, and as you walk across the road you step in a puddle ( imagine your shoe is satin)
b) you'rewalking along the usually pot hole filled Malaysia road, when suddenly your heel breaks.
c) You are walking across the street when suddenly a motorist (you should know about the way Malaysian motorcycle’s ride) appears at a distance approaching fast. Would you really run fast in your expensive shoes?

If you feel you have any items you want to add, do feel free to comment. As I want to own everything and it’s hard for me to say no. lol.

Until next week,

Less is more,


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