Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A new theme!

It's Monday and it's the last day of March! Meaning, tomorrow is the first of April!
As usual, with a new month comes a new theme for us here at Oh My God Your Clothes and this time around our theme will be...


Nothing is more fun than looking for the perfect oufit for the perfect party!
And we're here to say our two cents and show off what we would wear to a party and what we think you would like to wear too.
As this theme is pretty general, expect alot of variety in the days to come :D

Also, we'll be posting up the collages that we've made of party clothes but as we're not done so far, I'll be editing this post later with the collages.
Keep a look out for the collages!

Once again, we'll apologise for our slacking off last week.
We'll try harder not to repeat it in the future.

Party Time!!
Here are some 'Sexy but Classy' outfit looks for when you're going to a party or club! =P

Party to shock
If you're anything like me, you're most likely fabulous (hehe) and loves going down the road less taken. The road less taken in partying means ditching the usual party gear and dressing up in fetish gear! (That's my road...). If you don't get me... look out for my posts.

Nights out;
Girls just want to have fun, why not show it?

With love,
Fashionistas Anonymous

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