Friday, June 6, 2008

As Shakespeare would say,

To wear, or not to wear; that is the question.

Okay, that wasn't what Shakespeare really said, but I'm sure he would have, if he was female and into fashion, like we all are :). So, a new month, a new theme! Yay! And it seems I'm the first to start writing on this new theme. As an OMGYC tradition, we usually start the new theme with collages done by each of us. But FB is not agreeing with me at the mo, so I can't get my collage done. Next week? Sorry.

Now, moving on... What is formal wear? It’s a general fashion term for clothing suitable for formal social events; wedding, prom, dance, dinner (business or social). Even for us college students, we have to wear formal clothes when doing a presentation. At least, I know I have to. And the most common problem is, usually people have absolutely NO IDEA what to wear. Some turn up with jeans, or t-shirts and that’s a big no-no. And this leads to my favorite kinda post; a GUIDE on what to wear and what NOT to wear for a few different 'formal' events.

Now, this is just what I THINK we should wear. I won't claim to be an expert on this matter. I hardly attend formal events :)

If the dress code says:


This depends on the nature of the event. Is it social or business? For formal social events like prom, dinner and wedding, this is a good time to take out those gowns and dresses. If you don't have it, even better: gives you an excuse to go shopping! Makeup is a must! Also, it depends on the time of day of the event. What I mean is, if it takes place in the afternoon, dresses are more suitable. If the event is in the evening, then evening gowns of course! Here are some examples, celebrity-style;

Now, if we're talking about formal business events, we're aiming for a professional look. So, look smart with a chic work suit or skirt. Here are some examples.

I think this is a really good example.

I think we can dispense the hat over here?

No boob flashing either, girls. Its alright for Vicky B, but not us. You want to look professional.

This will earn you attention alright, but not the kind you're looking for.


For events like wedding receptions(?), or (again) dinner.

Not as formal (duh), so you can keep those gowns. Dresses are still a must, or slacks will do the job too. Jeans are acceptable, but avoid if possible.

3) SMART CASUAL. (aka Business casual?)

Now, this is abit tough. I don't really know what event calls for smart casual dressing.

But smart casual consists of slacks, crisp jeans or a skirt (long or short), a blouse or turtleneck, a fashionable belt, a jacket, a vest, or a sweater coordinated to your outfit, with boots, flats (leather, suede, or fabric) or mid-heel shoes. You may also wear jewelry, such as earrings that complement the overall outfit.

I think we should move on to examples, so you get a clearer picture.

So,thats about it. I hope I haven't made any mistakes (though I'm quite sure I've done my homework properly). But if you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, just send us an e-mail or leave a comment and we'll reply asap :)

Stick with us, girls. We're trying our very very best to update daily. xxx

Be original,
Anna. :)

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