Wednesday, November 5, 2008


In my opinion,
Jenny although from Brooklyn,
she definitely knows fashion and has style!
I love her cute and adorable dresses that she sometimes
wears on the show.

And her style has definitely evolved ever
since she started interning for Eleanor Waldorf.
And i love it!

Note: To Blogshop Owners
Think you have an outfit just like Jenny's?
Feel free to promote you shop/item by leaving a
comment below this post :)

Jenny before interning for Eleanor Waldorf,
a more simple laid back style but still gorgeous.

Still before, but in an "Eleanor Waldorf" dress.

Jenny after,
i love the really cute cut mini dresses she has on.

My random findings;

Colours? Grey and Pink
Price? RM 45

Colours? Grey, Blue & Purple
Price? RM 46

Almost a similar neckline cut as the 'off white
dress' Jenny wore above.
Colours? Black and White
Price? RM 55

Colours? Red & Black
Price? RM 42


Price? RM 25


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, all celebrities are looking so cute in mini dresses and nice designed here. I really would love it and like to prefer to me.
Led Candles